Cerys Love PsyD-Mirror Psychology

Cerys Love PsyD-Mirror Psychology-Radio Series-Episode 11-Chapter 7-Nuances-Unconditional Positive Regard

     Unconditional Positive Regard is related to unconditional love but it addresses and even celebrates our differences. It is about unconditional acceptance and respect. This, too, is a vital nuance contained in Jesus’ claim. Unconditional positive regard enables us to not only accept – and even celebrate – how our neighbors are different from us, or even how we are different and unique from our neighbors, or even how we as individuals feel different from everyone else in the world – it enables us to do this around differences we perhaps do not understand, or differences some of us wanting to wield power over those we claim to love or our neighbors have traditionally selfishly attempted to use to our advantage….

Go To: Mirror Psychology – Episode 12

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Listen To: Mirror Psychology – Radio Series

Editor's Notes Standing upon The Love Rule as a philosophical theoretical foundation, Mirror Psychology builds a clinical and social psychological theory, utilizing the latest neuroscience and bio-psycho-social-spiritual research. This research illustrates that loving something bigger than ourselves, loving ourselves, and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves in that order truly is all humanity needs to flourish. The concept is over 2000 years old - and yet is as revolutionary and relevant now as it was then - regardless of what you believe or don't believe about its author. As a pragmatic minimalist pulling the latest research thread in search of truth about optimal relationships with self and humanity, this doctor of clinical psychology is surprised to find that scientific thread circling back to this concept. It is not new. It is not sexy. What works is the point - and as a philosophical theoretical foundation for clinical as well as social psychology theory, and then as an applied concept for psychotherapy blended with experiential therapy, this works with elegant simplicity.
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